There are many different types of small payment cashing. You should choose a method that is useful to me because the fee charged varies depending on which method you choose to cash in. Assuming that you pay 100,000 won, proceeding with method A can generate 90,000 won of cash, but proceeding with method B can also generate 80,000 won of cash. So it is most important to check what is the way I can get the most cash before proceeding.
Micro-payment monetization routes
The most common method of monetization is to purchase mobile gift certificates and sell them to buyers. Representative gift certificates include Cultureland, Happy Money, and Google Gift Cards, and these gift certificates can be purchased and sold to buyers to convert them into cash. Another way is to cash in by using payment for information usage fees. This is to pay for paid content at the Google Play Store and the Apple Store and then convert it into cash.
Description of small payment monetization fee
When you cash in on small payments (소액결제 현금화), the fee is usually 20% to 30%. It depends on the amount you purchased. For example, if you buy a 100,000 won gift card and then cash in, you can get 70,000 won to 80,000 won. That’s why it’s important to compare multiple companies and choose a reliable place to use a company with a low fee.
95% commission for small payment in cash
As mentioned earlier, the 95% commission is a very unconventional commission condition given that the existing commission is 20% to 30%. These low commissions are usually offered by large trusted companies or are likely to be temporary promotions. Therefore, if you offer too low a commission, it may be fraudulent, so be careful.
Small payment monetization review
Since many people use small payment monetization, it is easy to find reviews. However, there is a possibility that fake fees and false information are being delayed in some reviews. There are cases where the actual amount received is small or the damage is reported through illegal companies, so for safe transactions, you should use a reliable company.